Carpet is a popular type of flooring that adds warmth and softness to your home. According to industry statistics, carpet accounts for approximately 51 percent of the U.S. flooring market.
If you have carpet in your home, you know how important it is to keep it clean.
But should you clean the carpet by hand or hire a professional? Read on to learn four reasons why you should leave carpet cleaning to the pros instead.
1. Too Much Water Can be Disastrous
You might think that steam cleaning your carpets yourself is wise. But these machines produce water and steam, which can cause serious damage to your carpets if it’s not done the right way.
When water sits in the carpet fibers, it can lead to the buildup of dangerous mold and mildew. Improperly steam cleaning your carpet can also damage the fibers, causing them to fade, or permanently damage the backing and padding, too. Make sure you call the pros when you get carpet steam and clean services to prevent damage.
2. If You Clean Carpet by Hand it Takes Time
Sure, you might think that if you clean the carpet by hand, you’ll save yourself some time and money. But the truth is that a thorough cleaning can be extremely time-consuming.
When you hire professionals to clean your carpet, you’ll get an expert who knows the right methods and products. Not only will this save you valuable time and energy, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing it’s done correctly.
3. You Could Make Stains Worse
Spills and stains can make your carpet look ugly and worn out. Trying to clean and remove these stains by hand might seem like the right thing to do, but it can actually make the problem worse.
Unless you know exactly how to get specific stains out of your carpet, it’s better to let the experts tackle it. If you do it yourself, you could push the stain further into the fibers or spread it out, making it even larger.
4. Using the Wrong Products
There are tons of products out there that claim they can get your carpet clean. If you don’t know which formulas to use, it could lead to permanent damage.
Mishandling of carpet cleaning products or failing to use the correct ratio can wreak havoc on your floors. There are also certain products made for specific types of carpets, so if you choose the wrong one, it could result in damage that can’t be undone.
Clean Your Carpet the Right Way
You might be tempted to try and clean the carpet by hand, but it’s usually better to hire professional cleaning services to tackle the job. These pros have the experience and know-how to get your carpets cleaned and sanitized without leaving damage behind.
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