Components are the building blocks, or one can say, a foundation that is laid for a new website. Components are reusable codes created to form certain website sections to make it look and feel how you want.
Developers prefer creating components according to the business needs or adding features to a website. For instance, sidebar navigation, contact cards, a CTA button, and more. Components define aspects of the user interface. The Component includes data and user interaction logic that defines how the website looks and behaves. Each Component in Angular handles a small part of the UI. A component provides data to the view and can be helpful in many ways. Angularjs development services involve all of these development processes. We will discuss using and creating Angular Components to deliver the best results.
What are Angular Components?
Each Angular Component is like a small, self-contained functionality that can be reused throughout your application. For example, you might have a component that displays a user’s profile picture and another component that displays a list of the user’s friends.
Let’s say you want to create a social media platform that allows users to create posts and view other users’ posts. You could create an Angular Component for the posting form, another for displaying a single post, and another for displaying a list of all the posts.
How can Angular Components help with UI?
Components allow you to encapsulate UI elements’ presentation logic and behaviour. This helps to keep your code organized and easy to maintain. Each Component can have its own CSS styles, HTML template, and TypeScript code, which helps prevent CSS and JavaScript conflicts between different application parts.
Components can be reused throughout your application, saving development time and effort. For example, suppose you create a component for a button with a specific style and behaviour. In that case, you can reuse that Component throughout your application without repeatedly recreating the same button code.
Components can be easily combined to create complex UI elements. This allows you to break down your UI into smaller, more manageable pieces, making it easier to understand and maintain. For example, you can combine form, table, and button components to create a more complex UI like a data entry form.
Data binding
Components allow you to bind data to your UI elements, making your application more dynamic and interactive. With our AngularJS development services, you can bind data to input fields, display data in tables, and update the UI in response to user input.
What are some of the key features of Angular Components?
Components in Angular are highly customizable, allowing developers to create unique user interfaces and experiences. They also support data binding, which enables the efficient transfer of data between different components of an application. Angularjs development services create scalable, robust, and maintainable web applications by providing a modular approach to building complex user interfaces. Some of the key features of angular components are:
Components are usually associated with templates that define the UI of the Component. The template can contain HTML, Angular directives, and custom components. In this matter, UI designers who are looking for a job with an immediate start and know how to create and use angular components.
Data binding
Components can use data binding to communicate with their templates and other application components. This includes one-way and two-way data binding.
Input and Output properties
Components can have input and output properties, which allow data to be passed into and out of the Component. Input properties are used for data binding, while output properties are used for event binding.
Lifecycle hooks
Components have a set of lifecycle hooks that allow you to tap into the Component’s lifecycle. For example, when the Component is created, you can use the ngOnInit() hook to perform initialization tasks.
Dependency Injection
Components can use dependency injection to access services shared across the application.
Components can have their styles scoped to the Component, using either CSS or CSS pre-processors.
How to create Angular Components?
Creating a New Angular Component
We first need to generate the Component’s files to create a new Angular component using the Angular CLI. The Angular CLI is a command-line interface that automates many common tasks in Angular development.
To generate a new component using the Angular CLI, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s root directory. Then, run the following command:
ng generate component my-component
This will generate a new component named my-component and create the following files in your project:
my-component.component.ts: The TypeScript class that defines the Component’s properties and methods.
my-component.component.html: The template that defines the Component’s UI.
my-component.component.css: The stylesheet that defines the Component’s styles.
my-component.component.spec.ts: The unit test file for the Component.
Defining a Component’s Properties and Methods
Once we’ve generated the Component’s files, we can define its properties and methods. In the TypeScript class, we define the Component’s properties as public fields, like so:
export class MyComponentComponent {
public title = ‘My Component Title’;
public items = [‘item1’, ‘item2’, ‘item3’];
public addItem(item: string): void {
In this example, we’ve defined a title property and an items property, as well as an addItem method that adds a new item to the items array. We can also define inputs and outputs to allow other components to interact with this Component.
Creating the Component’s UI
Next, we’ll create the Component’s UI by defining its template. In the my-component.component.html file, we can use HTML and Angular’s template syntax to create the UI. For example:
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<li *ngFor=”let item of items”>{{ item }}</li>
<input type=”text” #itemInput />
<button (click)=”addItem(itemInput.value)”>Add Item</button>
In this example, we’ve used the {{ }} syntax to bind the title property to an h1 element and used the *ngFor directive to iterate over the items array and create a list of items. We’ve also created an input field and a button that calls the addItem method when clicked.
Using the Component in Other Components
Finally, we can use the Component we’ve created in other components by importing it and adding it to our module’s declarations array. For example:
import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { BrowserModule } from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;
import { MyComponentComponent } from ‘./my-component/my-component.component’;
bootstrap: [MyComponentComponent]
export class AppModule { }
In this example, we’ve imported the MyComponentComponent class
Following the abovementioned steps will enable you to smoothly create a component in Angular.
Wrapping up
This article will give you a brief on how to create an Angular Component and how it benefits your website. You can Hire React JS developers and build components in react to get an interactive UI built according to your Client’s requirements.