On average, 84.4% of people are distracted at work.
Workplace distractions are a universal problem that affects everyone. Distractions come in many forms, from coworkers stopping by your desk to chat to the ping of an email alert on your phone.
Dealing with distractions is an important part of being productive at work. The more you can limit distractions, the more time you have to focus on your tasks and get them done.
If you are wondering how to prevent external distractions in the workplace, this short and simple guide is for you.
Take Advantage of Quiet Zones
Quiet zones are areas of the office that are free from distractions.
They can include a room, or sectioned-off space with low lighting and no talking allowed. They can also include Talkbox booths where you can go to work quietly or have a meeting with someone without being disturbed.
You can go to one of these quiet zones and take advantage of the privacy, peace, and quiet.
Mute Your Phone’s Notifications
It’s difficult to ignore a phone that is ringing or buzzing with notifications, especially when you’re trying to work.
Mute your phone so that you don’t get distracted by notifications and calls. This will allow you to focus on what needs to get done without the distractions of outside influences.
Cut Down Unnecessary Meetings
Meetings can be incredibly productive if you use them properly.
However, many people waste their time in meetings that aren’t necessary or don’t have an obvious purpose. If you find yourself in a meeting that doesn’t need to happen, skip it!
By focusing on your work, you’ll be more productive than if you attended a meeting that was not essential.
Set Boundaries With Coworkers
It can be extremely difficult to work with a coworker who has poor boundaries.
They may be constantly asking you for help or offering their opinions on projects that aren’t theirs. Set boundaries with coworkers so that they know when it’s okay to ask for help or offer feedback.
It might not be easy, but setting boundaries with coworkers will make your job easier and more enjoyable.
Reduce the Clutter on Your Desk
It’s easy to get distracted by the clutter on your desk.
If you have too many files, papers, and other items lying around, it will be difficult for you to focus on what’s important. Clear off your desk so that it only contains what you need for the task at hand.
This will reduce the amount of clutter in your work area, which will help you focus better.
External Distractions: Create a Productive Workplace
External distractions are one of the biggest reasons people struggle to get things done at work.
But you can take action to prevent this. By following these simple steps, you’ll create a more productive and distraction-free workplace.
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